Monday, January 7, 2008

Back to it

This is Liesl in my negative space dress made of recycled tee-shirts. She's lovely and shapely.
This semester was really tough. I'm glad it's over, even though I made a lot of great stuff.

My video projection "Hesitation". Gauze, video, shoe polish. Installed in vacant apartment as part of "Expansion" in April 2007.
Speaking of this semester, I have worked my ass off... I was in four shows- one wearable art, two conceptual art, one vessels. I also achieved straight A's, even though I found it nearly impossible to go to class with the babies. One of the hardest things about going back to school at age 38 is that everyone in class with me is 18. I'm old enough to be their mother, but BELIEVE ME, if I were their mother, I'd beat them with a coat hanger. What the hell is going on with kids these days? My son is 14 and far more interesting to talk to (if you discount the subject "video games") than most of my "peers" at WSU.

The kids in my foundations classes are watchers, not doers. They draw anime cartoons and think that being an artist is about doing whatever. Most of them are completely talent-free.

To go to class for 8 hours a day with them is torture. Like listening to piano music or watching Evan play shooter games.

I, on the other hand, am brilliant and talented. More evidence on the way.

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